August 2024 Roundup Registration - Washington

Thank you to our overall 2024 roundup sponsors:

August Roundup Meeting

As a grassroots organization, we work hard to offer opportunities that will benefit producers on a local level. By attending, you can get a firsthand look at unique aspects of Georgia's beef industry through hands-on experiences and cutting-edge educational discussions! Our next Roundup Meeting will be hosted by the NRCS and Rolling Hills RC&D Council and is headed to Washington, Georgia, on Friday, August 16th, 2024, with a full schedule of opportunities to expand attendees' knowledge of Forages!


Tour Spotlight

From Philip Brown, NRCS State Grazing Specialist:
"Bale grazing is an alternative hay feeding technique of setting bales on pasture in bulk quantities, uniformly distributed within the field, and feeding in a planned, controlled, and sequential manner utilizing temporary electric fencing. Allocations are usually made on 30-day to 45-day intervals but have extended up to 120 days. Bale grazing has the potential to minimize soil damage associated with hay feeding, helps distribute nutrients and organic matter, and reduces time and equipment operation associated with hay feeding, other topics that will be covered briefly will be toxic tall fescue conversion and incorporating agroforestry into grazing systems."

content presented by:

What to Expect

We aim for this to be a laid-back, casual environment to encourage interaction amongst attendees, speakers, and meeting sponsors. Although we have an events schedule to use as a guideline, we are prepared to be flexible and shift things around if needed. Registration for the event is $20 and is open to all current and prospective GCA members! Your registration includes a catered lunch and participation in all scheduled activities. Please note that our registration portal will prompt you to log in to your membership account. If you are not a current GCA member, you will be able to create a temporary profile to register for the event. If you are a current GCA member and are not sure what your log in information is, please reset your password or call the GCA office to update your information! Reserve your spot for the upcoming Roundup Meeting by calling the GCA office at (478) 474-6560 or by clicking the link below!
*on-site registration will also be available on the day of the event but we strongly encourage you to RSVP so that we have an accurate headcount for food*


Tentative Agenda

8:00AM     Registration
9:00AM     Farm Tour
11:00AM   Travel to McGill Woodruff Center
11:15AM   Break
12:00PM   Lunch
12:30PM   GCA/GBB Update
1:00PM     Break
1:15PM     Panel Discussion
2:30PM     Adjourn


Morning Farm Tour - Robert Smith's Farm
1800 Danburg Rd
Washington, Georgia 30673
Lunch/Panel Discussion - McGill Woodruff Center
136 Campbell St
Washington, Georgia 30673

Thank you to all of our Roundup Meeting Sponsors!

Speaker Sponsors:

Meeting Sponsors:
Meal Sponsors:

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Georgia Cattlemen's Association 100 Cattlemens Dr, Macon, GA 31220

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